Planning & Zoning

    WEDNESDAY, June 1, 2011, AT 4:00 P.M.

    1. 456 N. New Street – Continued from May
    It is proposed to paint the trim with the current color and paint the shutters and doors in Sherwin William Tricorn Black (color chip provided).
    OWNER: John and Lisa Sinks

    2. 520-526 Main Street
    It is proposed to have 7 tables and 15 chairs placed on the sidewalk in front of the building for outdoor dining. The set-up is the same as last year.
    OWNER: David Klein Real Estate

    3. 36 E. Wall Street
    It is proposed to replace Tudor style kitchen window and replace the front door transom window with an insulated single-paned transom window.
    OWNER: Dennis & Sheri Murphy

    4. 45 E. Wall Street
    It is proposed to replace shingles on east, west and north sides of roof with black, slateline shingles to match the roof on the south side. Flat roof will remain the same. It is also proposed to replace flashing, vent and drip edge.
    OWNER: David & Nancy Shelly

    5. 99 W. Church Street
    It is proposed to place 2, six-foot tall art sculptures on the lawn in front of the Payne Gallery.
    OWNER: Moravian College

    6. 452-460 Main Street
    It is proposed to replace the rear wooden fence with a wrought iron fence.
    OWNER: Peter & Constance LoBaido

    7. 29 E. Wall Street
    It is proposed to install metal, ladder style fencing between patio and basement entrance.
    OWNER: Marguerite Smolen

    The Applicant must be present for the case to be heard.