Bethlehem Council MInutes
10 East Church Street – Town Hall
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Tuesday, June 4, 2013 – 7:00 PM
Pastor Dwight Mikesell, of Calvary Wesleyan Church, offered
the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag.
President Evans called the meeting to order. Present were Jean Belinski, Robert J. Donchez, Michael D. Recchiuti, J. William Reynolds, and Eric R. Evans, 5. David T. DiGiacinto and Karen Dolan were absent, 2.
President Evans stated that the Citation for Kenneth J. Jones, Jr., on the occasion of his retirement from the Fire Department, will be mailed to him since he was unable to attend the meeting.
The Minutes of May 22, 2013 were approved.
A. Old Business – Members of Council
B. Tabled Items
C. Unfinished Business
A. Housing and Community Development Planner – Redevelopment
Capital Assistance Grant Program
– Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Performing
The Clerk read a memorandum dated May 30, 2013 from Irene Woodward, Housing and Community Development Planner, to which was attached a proposed Resolution authorizing the submission of an application for a Redevelopment Capital Assistance Grant (RCAP) for the Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Performing Arts in the amount of $3,000,000 to develop a new building in South Bethlehem. There will be no financial commitment on the City’s part for this project, but it will be necessary for the City to act as a pass through for the funds. The Resolution also authorizes the preparation of a cooperation agreement between Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Performing Arts and the City for the pass through of funds and the assignment of administrative requirements under the Redevelopment Capital Assistance Grant Program to Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Performing Arts.
President Evans stated the Resolution will be listed on the June 18 Agenda.
A. President of Council
1. Councilmanic Appointment – Tracy Oscavich – Environmental Advisory Council
President Evans appointed Tracy Oscavich to membership on the Environmental Advisory Council to fill the unexpired term of Jack Abel effective until January 2014. Mr. Recchiuti and Mr. Reynolds sponsored Resolution No. 2013-106 to confirm the appointment.
Voting AYE: Mr. Donchez, Mr. Recchiuti, Mr. Reynolds, Mrs. Belinski, and Mr. Evans, 5. The Resolution passed.
B. Mayor
1. Administrative Order – Barbara Pearson – Fine Arts Commission
Dennis Reichard, Business Administrator, read Mayor Callahan’s reappointment of Barbara Pearson to membership on the Fine Arts Commission effective through May 2016. Mr. Recchiuti and Mr. Reynolds sponsored Resolution No. 2013-107 to confirm the appointment.
Voting AYE: Mr. Donchez, Mr. Recchiuti, Mr. Reynolds, Mrs. Belinski, and Mr. Evans, 5. The Resolution passed.
A. Bill No. 16 – 2013 – Amending General Fund Budget – Health Bureau; Police Department
The Clerk read Bill No. 16 – 2013 – Amending General Fund Budget – Health Bureau, Police Department, on Final Reading.
Voting AYE: Mr. Donchez, Mr. Recchiuti, Mr. Reynolds, Mrs. Belinski, and Mr. Evans, 5. Bill No. 16 – 2013, now known as Ordinance No. 2013-16, was declared adopted.
B. Bill No. 17 – 2013 – Amending Liquid Fuels Fund Budget – 2013 Allocation and Adjustments
The Clerk read Bill No. 17 – 2013 – Amending Liquid Fuels Fund Budget – 2013 Allocation and Adjustments, on Final Reading.
Voting AYE: Mr. Donchez, Mr. Recchiuti, Mr. Reynolds, Mrs. Belinski, and Mr. Evans, 5. Bill No. 17 – 2013, now known as Ordinance No. 2013-17, was declared adopted.
C. Bill No. 18 – 2013 – Amending Non-Utility
Capital Budget – Johnston Park; Stefko Drainage
Swale; AFG/FEMA – Fire Equipment
The Clerk read Bill No. 18 – 2013 – Amending Non-Utility Capital Budget – Johnston Park; Stefko Drainage Swale; AFG/FEMA – Fire Equipment, on Final Reading.
Voting AYE: Mr. Donchez, Mr. Recchiuti, Mr. Reynolds, Mrs. Belinski, and Mr. Evans, 5. Bill No. 18 – 2013, now known as Ordinance No. 2013-18, was declared adopted.
A. Authorizing Funding Proposal – Pennsylvania Department
of Community and Economic
Development – Enterprise Zone Manager
Mr. Recchiuti and Mr. Reynolds sponsored Resolution No. 2013-108 that authorized the filing of a proposal for funding with the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development for the City to obtain $50,000 annually in Pennsylvania Enterprise Zone funds.
Voting AYE: Mr. Donchez, Mr. Recchiuti, Mr. Reynolds, Mrs. Belinski, and Mr. Evans, 5. The Resolution passed.
Motion – Considering Resolutions 9 B through 9 D as
a Group – Certificates of Appropriateness
Mrs. Belinski and Mr. Reynolds moved to consider Resolutions
9 B through 9 D as a group. Voting AYE: Mr. Donchez, Mr. Recchiuti,
Mr. Reynolds, Mrs. Belinski, and Mr. Evans, 5. The motion
B. Certificate of Appropriateness – 728 Evans Street
Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Donchez sponsored Resolution No. 2013-109 that granted a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace the roof at 728 Evans Street.
C. Certificate of Appropriateness – 333 Vine Street
Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Donchez sponsored Resolution No. 2013-110 that granted a Certificate of Appropriateness to demolish the garage at 333 Vine Street.
D. Certificate of Appropriateness – 226 East Third Street
Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Donchez sponsored Resolution No. 2013-111 that granted a Certificate of Appropriateness to modify the previously approved façade renovations at 226 East Third Street.
Voting AYE on Resolutions 9 B through 9 D: Mr. Donchez, Mr. Recchiuti, Mr. Reynolds, Mrs. Belinski, and Mr. Evans, 5. The Resolutions passed.
A. Rescheduling Public Hearing – Rezoning Request – 2344 Center Street – July 16, 2013
Mr. Donchez and Mr. Recchiuti moved to reschedule the Public Hearing on the Rezoning Request for 2344 Center Street from Tuesday, July 2, 2013 to Tuesday, July 16, 2013 at 7:00 PM in Town Hall. Voting AYE: Mr. Donchez, Mr. Recchiuti, Mr. Reynolds, Mrs. Belinski, and Mr. Evans, 5. The motion passed.
Committee Meeting Announcement
In Chairman DiGiacinto’s absence, President Evans announced a Community Development Committee meeting on Monday, June 24, 2013 at 7:00 PM in Town Hall on the following subject: Amendment to the Landmarks and Historic District Ordinance.
Vacant Properties
Stephen Antalics, 737 Ridge Street, recalled that at the
April 16, 2013 City Council Meeting a resident addressed the
Members of Council and requested help to relieve her property
at 113 E. Garrison Street of rats and roaches, and the neighbor
at 115 E. Garrison Street also addressed the Members of Council
at the April 16 Meeting about rats explaining that she has
a baby. Mr. Antalics noted that the problem property was located
between the two properties. Continuing on to state that Administration
officials later talked to the two residents, Mr. Antalics
said he was told that the Administration went to the courts
on numerous occasions but was not granted a search warrant.
Mr. Antalics noted that years ago he had raised the issue
of the number of vacant properties on the South Side. Mr.
Antalics commented that in the past the Vacant Property Review
Committee met periodically, listed problematic properties
and what might be done. Mr. Antalics, questioning how many
years has it been since the Vacant Property Review Committee
has met, commented this Committee would serve the interests
of the public and would have alleviated the problems cited
by the residents. Mr. Antalics asked why the Vacant Property
Review Committee is not meeting on a routine basis, and submitting
reports on the status of vacant properties.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.