October 19, 2010
10 East Church Street – Town Hall
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Tuesday, October 19, 2010 – 7:00 PM
President Robert J. Donchez called the meeting to order. Rabbi Allen Juda, Congregation Brith Shalom, offered the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. Present were Jean Belinski, David T. DiGiacinto, Karen Dolan, Eric R. Evans, Gordon B. Mowrer, J. William Reynolds, and Robert J. Donchez, 7.
Proposed 2011 CDBG and HOME Programs and Reprogrammed Funds
Irene Woodward, Housing and Community Development Planner, noted this represents the second public hearing for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and the HOME Investment Partnership Program. Ms. Woodward notified the assembly that the 2011 CDBG and HOME Programs were reviewed at the Community Development Committee meeting on October 14, 2010. Ms. Woodward informed the Members that the funding proposed would include revenue for the CDBG Program anticipated at $1.7 million and $323,349 of reprogrammed funds. The funding for the HOME Program includes an anticipated entitlement of $560,000 and $31,808 in reprogrammed funds. Ms. Woodward highlighted new CDBG programs that were not previously funded, as follows: Planning – HUD Grant Match - $60,000 – to look at greenways throughout the City and funding for design of the greenway to Saucon Park. The total grant requested is $400,000; Rising Tide - $75,000 – loan pool for economic development loans; Ambulance - $100,000 – continuation of the program. This item is for rebuilding the chassis, as requested by the EMS Bureau. Ms. Woodward explained the new HOME Program, as follows: Housing Development Corporation - $300,000 – development of affordable rental units in South Bethlehem.
Mr. Reynolds expressed concern about the future of the New Bethany Ministries project as well as the affordable housing units to be developed by Housing Development Corporation that would be built next to the New Bethany Ministries project. Mr. Reynolds remarked that a lot of money would be authorized for one direction when theoretically it could be used for other projects. Mr. Reynolds added that the project should be reviewed in 2011.
Ms. Dolan affirmed that Ms. Woodward forwarded a memorandum in response to questions raised by Dana Grubb.
Public Comment
Dana Grubb, 2420 Henderson Place, thanked Ms. Woodward for the responses to his questions. Mr. Grubb commented that if City Council and the Administration continue to support the Housing Development Corporation project through a multi-year allocation it will not be the first time HOME funding is used in that fashion, since projects sometimes take a number of years to develop, in addition to the fact that annual funding amounts are limited. Mr. Grubb expressed the hope that the project is supported in the long term because the housing component is very impressive.
President Donchez stated that the appropriate Resolution will be placed on the November 3 Council Agenda.
The Public Hearing was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
The Minutes of October 5, 2010 were approved.
Working Woodlands Program
Jim Davenport, Blakeslee, Pennsylvania, stated he is at the meeting to strongly support the Working Woodlands program. He expressed the importance of the foresight of considering the future and the environmental impact of the program. Mr. Davenport pointed out that generations to come will benefit from the program, and added that the City may want to renew the program at the end of the 60 year period.
Recommended Denial - Certificate of Appropriateness – 546 Main Street – Canopy Installation
Dana Grubb, 2420 Henderson Place, expressed the hope that City Council will support the HARB’s recommendation to deny the request for installation of a fabric canopy on a demountable frame at 546 Main Street. Mr. Grubb stressed the issue is about the historic ambience of downtown Bethlehem. Mr. Grubb communicated that people like downtown Bethlehem and the history that is there.
Recommended Denial - Certificate of Appropriateness – 546 Main Street – Canopy Installation; Working Woodlands Program
Bill Scheirer, 1890 Eaton Avenue, seconded Mr. Grubb’s comments about denial of the request to install a canopy at 546 Main Street. Mr. Scheirer said if one canopy is allowed then there will be more. Noting the varied architectural styles on Main Street, Mr. Scheirer observed there is a sense of verticality that is very pleasing, and canopies would clash with and detract from the architectural attractiveness. Mr. Scheirer urged Council to support Mr. Scheirer said the Environmental Advisory Council supported the Working Woodlands Program.
Recommended Denial - Certificate of Appropriateness – 546 Main Street – Canopy Installation
Robert Pfenning, 2830 Linden Street, agreed with the comments of Mr. Grubb and Mr. Scheirer and thought that Council should support the HARB’s recommendation to deny the request for an awning. Mr. Pfenning encouraged Council to request an opinion from their Solicitor about whether the proposed structure violates Ordinance 721.02 A that forbids structures over sidewalk areas but permits temporary awnings.
Working Woodlands Program
Jack Abel, 422 Thomas Street, noted that the EAC is very enthusiastic about the Working Woodlands program and voted unanimously in favor of it. Mr. Abel expressed the hope that Council will consider the program favorably.
Recommended Denial - Certificate of Appropriateness – 546 Main Street – Canopy Installation
Fred Bonsall, Chair of the HARB, noted he is at the Meeting if there are any questions regarding the matter of the request for installation of a fabric canopy on a demountable frame at 546 Main Street.
A. Tabled Items
B. Unfinished Business
1. Establishing Article 1716 – Landmarks and Properties
of Historical Interest
(Assigned to Preservation Plan Task Force)
C. Old Business – Members of Council
TIF Rebate Agreement
Mr. DiGiacinto thanked Christopher Spadoni, City Council Solicitor, for reviewing Version 9 of the TIF Rebate Agreement versus Version 6 on which City Council voted, and reporting back that there are no substantive changes requiring another vote. Mr. DiGiacinto commented that perhaps someone from the Administration can respond to the question about the monies that would be controlled by the Redevelopment Authority being used only for the intended uses as described in the TIF and TIF Rebate Agreement and not for any other uses.
John F. Spirk, Jr., Esq., City Solicitor, replied that the TIF Plan, the TIF Cooperation Agreement, and TIF Rebate Agreement set forth the limits of what those monies can be used for. In further response to Mr. DiGiacinto, Attorney Spirk noted that the description on page 2 of the TIF Rebate Agreement as to the uses of the funds are the uses for this plan. Attorney Spirk continued on to say there is more money that will flow into the TIF than is necessary to do these projects, and there could be future projects that must be done within the parameters of the three agreements he has just mentioned.
A. Business Administrator – 2010 Pension State Aid
The Clerk read a memorandum dated October 12, 2010 from Dennis W. Reichard, Business Administrator, advising that State Pension Aid in the amount of $2,917,827.84 was received, and the proceeds have been allocated to the Police - MMO, Fire - MMO, Reimbursement – Pension Bond Payment 5/1/10, and Reimbursement – Pension Bond Payment 11/1/10.
President Donchez stated that Resolution 11 C is listed on the Agenda.
B. Rescheduling Public Hearing Date - Police Officer Michael Lenner
The Clerk read a memorandum dated October 15, 2010 stating that the rescheduled date of the public hearing on the matter of Police Officer Michael Lenner has been set for Wednesday, December 8, 2010 at 6:00 PM in Town Hall.
A. President of Council
Committee of the Whole; Public Hearing; Town Hall Lecture Series
President Donchez stated that City Council will meet as a Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 7:00 PM in Town Hall on the request for a TIF for the Martin Tower Area.
President Donchez stated that a Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 6:00 PM in Town Hall on the matter of Police Officer John Nye.
President Donchez noted that the first Town Hall lecture series will be held October 20, 2010 at 7:00 PM in Town Hall.
B. Mayor
1. Administrative Order – Ellen Cary Bearn –
Sister City Commission
Mayor Callahan reappointed Ellen Cary Bearn to membership
on the Sister City Commission effective until October 2013.
Mrs. Belinski and Mr. Mowrer sponsored Resolution 2010-160
to confirm the reappointment.
Voting AYE: Mrs. Belinski, Mr. DiGiacinto, Ms. Dolan, Mr. Evans, Mr. Mowrer, Mr. Reynolds, and Mr. Donchez, 7. The Resolution passed.
2. Administrative Order – Stephen F. Thode – Planning Commission
Mayor Callahan reappointed Stephen F. Thode to membership on the Planning Commission effective until October 2015. Mrs. Belinski and Mr. Mowrer sponsored Resolution 2010-161 to confirm the reappointment.
Voting AYE: Mrs. Belinski, Mr. DiGiacinto, Ms. Dolan, Mr. Evans, Mr. Mowrer, Mr. Reynolds, and Mr. Donchez, 7. The Resolution passed.
C. Community Development Committee
Chairwoman Dolan presented an oral report of the Committee’s meeting held on Thursday, October 14, 2010 at 7:00 PM in Town Hall on the following subjects: Proposed 2011 CDBG and HOME Programs and Reprogrammed Funds; and Amending Council Rules - Community Development Committee – Historical Related Matters.
D. Public Works Committee
Chairwoman Belinski presented an oral report of the Committee’s meeting held this evening at 6:00 PM, prior to the City Council Meeting, on the following subjects: Renaming Silvex Road – College Drive; and Main Street Parking – Update.
A. Police Officer Joseph Ocasio – Request for Leave of Absence
Mrs. Belinski and Mr. Mowrer sponsored Resolution 2010-162 that granted Police Officer Joseph Ocasio a leave of absence, without pay, for a period not exceeding six (6) months until the 7th day of April, 2011, pursuant to Codified Ordinance Section 153.11 entitled Provisions for Contributions, Non-Contributions On Leave.
Mr. Reynolds inquired about extending the leave of absence period.
President Donchez commented that after the initial six months period then it would require a 4/5th vote of City Council to extend it beyond that time. Attorney Spadoni noted that is correct.
Mr. Reynolds asked the Administration’s position on granting the leave of absence.
Mr. Reichard responded that the Administration is recommending it.
Ms. Dolan communicated it seems from the report that the
individual needs time to get better.
Mr. Evans queried whether a time other than six months could
be granted.
Attorney Spadoni advised that the request under the Ordinance is for six months as pursuant to the individual’s request, and the proposal before Council is for six months.
Voting AYE: Mrs. Belinski, Mr. DiGiacinto, Ms. Dolan, Mr. Evans, Mr. Mowrer, Mr. Reynolds, and Mr. Donchez, 7. The Resolution passed.
B. Approving Non-Binding Term Sheet – Bethlehem Authority – Working Woodlands
Mr. Evans and Mrs. Belinski sponsored Resolution 2010-163 that approved the Working Woodlands non-binding Term Sheet between the Bethlehem Authority, The Nature Conservancy, and Blue Source, LLC and by which the Authority is encouraged to move forward with negotiations toward consummation of the Operative Agreements, conditioned upon City Council approving the Operative Agreements prior to execution by the Bethlehem Authority.
Mr. Reynolds confirmed that the Finance Committee reviewed the proposal, and Members of Council felt that the program makes sense. Mr. Reynolds said he is glad to hear that the EAC has endorsed the Plan as well. Mr. Reynolds pointed out that residents have always appreciated the quality of Bethlehem’s water. He continued on to say that the program is a win for all parties involved, and is the right thing for the City to do. Mr. Reynolds, highlighting the
fact that the non-binding term sheet would be approved, denoted
there is a lot to be worked out and future steps in the process.
Mr. Reynolds expressed his support for the program.
Mr. Evans congratulated David Brong, the Director of Water and Sewer Resources, and Stephen Repasch, Executive Director of the Bethlehem Authority, on a great program into which a lot of work and diligence was expended. Mr. Evans observed the program has been very well received, as expected.
Ms. Dolan noted the area involved in the program is located in and surrounded by some of the most beautiful land in Pennsylvania and is considered one of the last great places. Ms. Dolan exclaimed when one sees the area it is hard to believe the beautiful place from which the City’s water comes. Ms. Dolan expressed she is glad the City is getting benefit from it and is giving back to the area.
President Donchez, expressing his agreement with his colleagues’ comments, said Mr. Brong and Mr. Repasch have done an outstanding job. President Donchez, remarking it is a great facility, stressed the number one priority is to protect the watershed and the excellent water quality. President Donchez noted that many citizens may not have the opportunity to see the remarkable water system. President Donchez expressed his support.
Voting AYE: Mrs. Belinski, Mr. DiGiacinto, Ms. Dolan, Mr. Evans, Mr. Mowrer, Mr. Reynolds, and Mr. Donchez, 7. The Resolution passed.
C. Approving Allocation – 2010 Pension State Aid
Mr. Mowrer and Mr. Reynolds sponsored Resolution 2010-164 that authorized the appropriate City officials to allocate $2,917,827.84 of the 2010 General Municipal Pension System State Aid among the City's pension plans as follows: Police – MMO - $4,430.17; Fire – MMO - $4,430.17; Reimbursement – Pension Bond Payment 5/1/10 - $816,983.75; and Reimbursement – Pension Bond Payment 11/1/10 - $2,091,983.75.
Voting AYE: Mrs. Belinski, Mr. DiGiacinto, Ms. Dolan, Mr. Evans, Mr. Mowrer, Mr. Reynolds, and Mr. Donchez, 7. The Resolution passed.
D. Amending Council Rules – Community Development Committee – Historic Matters
Ms. Dolan and Mrs. Belinski sponsored Resolution 2010-165 that amended the Rules of Council – Resolution 8881 – As Amended. Under Rule 8 – Community and Economic Development is amended to add the underlined and bolded language to read as follows:
COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - All matters relating to health, code violations, recycling, Planning, Zoning, Housing Rehabilitation, Inspections, Economic Development, landmarks and property of historical interest, and Redevelopment Authority issues.
Voting AYE: Mrs. Belinski, Mr. DiGiacinto, Ms. Dolan, Mr. Evans, Mr. Mowrer, Mr. Reynolds, and Mr. Donchez, 7. The Resolution passed.
E. Certificate of Appropriateness – 429 Heckewelder Place
Mr. Evans and Mr. Mowrer sponsored Resolution 2010-166 that granted a Certificate of Appropriateness to extend the temporary approval of the metal siding protecting the structure during restoration at 429 Heckewelder Place.
Ms. Dolan denoted this means the organization has not yet raised the money needed to be able to do the restoration to the Nain House, and she looks forward to the day when the unattractive façade can be removed.
Voting AYE: Mrs. Belinski, Mr. DiGiacinto, Ms. Dolan, Mr. Evans, Mr. Mowrer, Mr. Reynolds, and Mr. Donchez, 7. The Resolution passed.
F. Certificate of Appropriateness – 546 Main Street
Mr. Evans and Mr. Reynolds sponsored Resolution 2010-167 that denied a Certificate of Appropriateness to install a fabric canopy supported on a demountable metal frame system over the entire sidewalk in front of the building at 546 Main Street.
Ms. Dolan stressed it is important to support the HARB fully on this matter not only because the canopy would be over the entire sidewalk but it would be as if the sidewalk were part of the building. Ms. Dolan continued on to say that supporting the HARB’s recommendation to deny the request would not allow a precedent to begin where canopies would obstruct the architectural beauty of the buildings.
Mr. Reynolds observed that, while a lot of people like the restaurant and it brings a lot of people to downtown, allowing the request would set a precedent. Mr. Reynolds explained that business owners he has spoken with have suggested if this goes through then other restaurants would ask next. Mr. Reynolds, noting that allowing this would create a lot of problems, thought it was in the best interests of the City and the downtown merchants to deny the request.
Mr. Mowrer, communicating it has taken a long time to get the downtown to the excellent point it is at today, said it would be foolish to change it.
President Donchez, affirming he will support the HARB, pointed out if Council were to oppose the HARB on this case it would create a bad precedent, there would be many more problems in the future, and it would take away the character of Main Street and the downtown areas.
Voting AYE: Mrs. Belinski, Mr. DiGiacinto, Ms. Dolan, Mr. Evans, Mr. Mowrer, Mr. Reynolds, and Mr. Donchez, 7. The Resolution passed.
Rescheduling City Council’s first meeting in November to Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Mr. Mowrer and Mr. Evans moved to reschedule City Council’s first meeting in November to Wednesday, November 3, 2010 since the normal meeting date of Tuesday, November 2, 2010 is General Election Day.
Committee Announcements
Chairman DiGiacinto announced a Public Safety Committee meeting on November 3, 2010 at 6:00 PM in Town Hall to review the Emergency Alarm System Ordinance, jointly with the Finance Committee on the matter of fees, and a proposal pertaining to lost and stolen guns.
Chairman Evans announced a Parks and Public Property Committee on November 4, 2010 at 6:00 PM in the Mayor’s Conference Room on the Steelworkers Memorial, Riparian Resolution Proposal from the EAC, and Renaming the Ice Rink.
Towing Services
Marc Gombosi, 4745 Janet Lane, advised he represents a group
of small business owners who are currently under contract
with the City to perform towing services for the Police Department.
Mr. Gombosi introduced the business owners, as follows: Austin
Godshall representing Austin’s Auto Service, Robert
Sabo representing Sabo’s Service Center, Andrew Estojak
representing Andy’s Champion Auto Body, Olympio Fernandes
representing Fernandes Auto Service could not be at the meeting
this evening, and he represents represents M.S.G. Towing.
Mr. Gombosi confirmed that the owners have been consulted
regarding the statements he will make and agree with them.
Mr. Gombosi stated it has come to their attention that the
City is considering and has had several meetings to bring
about the City’s mechanical bureau taking over the towing
responsibilities and for their services to be discontinued.
Mr. Gombosi noted that when the City of Allentown recently
did this it lasted only a few months before the expenses and
problems incurred out-weighed the perceived potential financial
benefits. Mr. Gombosi expressed the understanding of the tow
operators is that the idea was born out of the need for the
City to increase revenue in these tough economic times. Agreeing
this is a necessity for the City, Mr. Gombosi stressed, however,
it would not only be financially devastating to each of the
business owners and could literally ruin any or all of these
five tax-paying, job-providing businesses, but it would be
a monumental mistake for the City. In 2009, the City garnered
approximately $31,000 from fees paid by the towers at a rate
of $20 per vehicle towed. Prior to 2009, a deal was brokered
whereby each tow company would pay the City a flat fee of
$750 per quarter. At the time, seven tow companies were paying
this fee, and the City was collecting only $21,000 annually.
This left the City with a shortfall of approximately $10,000.
To help remedy this and as a measure of goodwill, the towers
agreed to no longer charge the City for “no-tows”
which is when the tow call is cancelled upon the towers arrival
at a call. To compound this situation, two of the seven tow
companies dropped out and the City collected even less. Mr.
Gombosi pointed out that the City believes it can garner up
to $400,000 in annual revenue if the City takes over the towing
operations. Informing the Members that the towers do not agree
with that figure, Mr. Gombosi stressed the towers believe
the amount of net revenue, after expenses, will not be nearly
as much as is being purported, and it could actually be a
losing proposition for the City. Mr. Gombosi, explaining why
the City could lose revenues, pointed out that the Mechanical
Bureau currently possesses one new flatbed truck, referred
to as a “rollback”, and one tow truck, referred
to as a “wrecker”. The wrecker is somewhat antiquated
and too large to handle most modern passenger vehicles, and
the rollback is not currently equipped to handle two towed
vehicles simultaneously. Clearly, the City will have to dramatically
upgrade its fleet to accommodate the demand. Having done the
research regarding what will need to be spent to acquire the
necessary equipment, Mr. Gombosi stated that the towers can
tell the City that it will need to spend close to $200,000
since another rollback and a “light-duty” wrecker
will be needed, plus upfitting the existing rollback with
a “wheel lift”. The “wheel lift” is
attached to the rear of a rollback truck and enables the truck
to carry a second vehicle. He exemplified that even if this
expense is amortized over a four year period, the annual cost
for this upgrade will come to approximately $50,000. Next,
the City will need to hire at least three more Union scale
mechanics so that a third shift can be added. It is estimated
that the labor costs will add another $180,000 minimum to
the expense sheet. Beyond this, the City will have to rent
or purchase a storage facility suitable to accommodate the
large number of vehicles in its care. This could cost another
$35,000 annually, if a lot large enough to handle the job
can be found. Next, there is the projected cost of the fuel
usage that could amount to around $20,000 per year. Finally,
there is the question of maintenance on the vehicles that
could add at least another $5,000. Adding these costs, and
not considering “unforeseen” costs, the tow operators
estimated that the City will spend approximately $300,000
per year, based on the gamble that the City can bring up to
$400,000. Mr. Gombosi listed at least 12 other factors the
City has not considered including snow emergency situations,
liability, employee problems, 24 hour staffing concerns, collecting
and assessing fees, required paperwork, taking people to the
storage area, abandoned vehicles, occasional confrontation
issues, certification of employees by a towing and recovery
accreditation school along with the cost, and ongoing maintenance.
Mr. Gombosi informed the Members that the reason why the business
owners are united at the Meeting this evening is to state
that they can offer a package of remuneration to the City
that accomplishes the City’s finacial goal with regard
to tow fees, keeps the owners in business while at the same
time prevents the City from opening itself up to far more
logistical and legal issues than it could possibly bargain
for. Mr. Gombosi advised that the towers would like the opportunity
to present their own package to Council before any decision
is made. Mr. Gombosi stated that the towers package will offer
the City approximately $80,000 annually without the City having
to do a single thing, other than to collect the money from
the towers. Mr. Gombosi explained that, after the numbers
are broken down, the towers believe that Council will agree
with the towers regarding the proper way to move forward.
Mr. Gombosi expressed that the towers would appreciate being
invited to the meeting when the issue is addressed to make
a presentation and they welcome any questions.
Austin Godshall, owner and operator of Austin’s Auto
Service, affirmed that the towers all feel the same way and
believe they can bring the City up to $80,000 in revenues
as compared to the present situation. Mr. Godshall explained
that the towers calculated the statistics presented by Mr.
Gombosi. Mr. Godshall queried why the City wants to try to
fix something that does not need to be fixed. Mr. Godshall
pointed out that the towers have consistently responded to
the City’s need for towing services, particularly during
snow emergencies, and added that he has been providing his
company’s services to the City for over 30 years and
never turned down a tow. Mr. Godshall asked that the City
look at the matter in a profitable way for itself as well
as allowing the towers to be able to continue and not lose
their revenue either. Mr. Godshall advised that if further
details are needed on how the $80,000 figure was derived the
towers can supply that information at any time.
President Donchez affirmed that the Members of Council received
the Administration’s memorandum this evening concerning
the issue of towing.
Condition of 234 E. Morton Street
Benjamin Dobil, 236 E. Morton Street, explained that he purchased the property at 236 E. Morton Street in April 2008, and in August 2009 the other half of the property at 234 E. Morton Street was condemned. Mr. Dobil informed the Members since that time, and prior to August 2009, there had been and remained many unresolved issues. As a result of the conditions at 234 E. Morton Street, Mr. Dobil advised he discontinued the renovation of his property. He continued on to say that past taxes are due on 234 E. Morton Street, there are various liens on the property, and it is a dangerous and hazardous eyesore that the community must tolerate every day. Mr. Dobil inquired if there is some way to expedite the rehabilitation process and/or change of ownership to a more concerned homeowner. Mr. Dobil, confirming he has been in communication with the owner, communicated she is uncooperative. Mr. Dobil asked if anything can be done.
President Donchez asked Dennis Reichard, Business Administrator, to meet with Mr. Dobil after the Council Meeting, and facilitate a meeting with the appropriate City officials.
Various Issues
Eddie Rodriquez, 1845 Linden Street, observed there is trash towards the back of the Illick’s Mill property. Mr. Rodriquez said that, because of the recent flooding, the area of the railroad ties at Monocacy Creek needs to be repaired due to erosion that has caused deep holes. In addition, the Creek clogs up, and the retaining wall needs to be fixed. Mr. Rodriquez stressed the area is unsafe for the public. Mr. Rodriquez added that Sand Island also needs to be addressed. Mr. Rodriquez expressed the hope that a camera can be installed at Pawnee and Mohican Streets. Mr. Rodriquez did not see the purpose of a camera in the area of Buchanan Street, particularly by the white garage, Thomas, and Laufer Streets. Mr. Rodriquez, stressing that too much is happening in the area of Pawnee and Dakotah Streets, recounted an incident in which shots were fired.
Ms. Dolan informed Mr. Rodriquez that, during the construction phase at Illick’s Mill there was a lot of debris. During the past several days much work was undertaken to remove the trash and is anticipated to be completed after the weekend.
Condition of 234 E. Morton Street; Towing Services
Dana Grubb, 2420 Henderson Place, stated that the Blighted Property Review Committee process might be a solution for the problems related by Mr. Dobil. Another possibility would be for an organization such as Habitat for Humanity to consider acquiring the property. Mr. Grubb questioned why the City would even begin to consider competing with the private sector on towing services. Stressing it makes absolutely no sense, Mr. Grubb pointed out it puts local businesses and jobs in jeopardy.
Towing Service; Town Hall Lecture Series
Bill Scheirer, 1890 Eaton Avenue, said for a governmental activity to be contracted out requires a projected savings of 10%. Advising that the first Town Hall lecture is scheduled tomorrow on the topic of public health, Mr. Scheirer expressed the hope that the lecture series will become an institution and something for which Bethlehem will be known.
Silvex Road - Renaming
Stephen Antalics, 737 Ridge Street, urged that the name of Silvex Road be retained for historic reasons, and questioned the relevance of the issue of pollution in the spark plug versus the steel industries in conjunction with comments of non-support for keeping the name.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.