August 15, 2006 Regular Meeting Agenda
AUGUST 15, 2006 - 7:30 PM - TOWN HALL
1. Invocation – Pastor Larry Burd, Calvary Baptist Church
2. Pledge to the Flag.
3. Roll Call.
* Public Hearing
Prior to the consideration of the regular Agenda items, City Council will conduct a Public Hearing to consider an Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to add Section 1314.B to establish a CMU –Commercial Mixed Use Zoning District, and to amend the Zoning Map to change the designation of various parcels along Eighth Avenue, Eaton Avenue, and Schoenersville Road to the CMU Zoning District.
7A. Lehigh Valley Planning Commission – Zoning Text
and Map Amendments –
Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) Zoning District – Eighth
and Eaton Avenues
4. Approval of Minutes – August 1, 2006
5. Courtesy of the Floor. (for public comment on Ordinances and Resolutions to be voted on by Council this evening – 5 Minute Time Limit)
6. Old Business.
7. Communications:
B. Police Commissioner – Police Mutual Aid Agreement
– Lower Saucon Township
8. Reports:
A. President of Council.
B. Mayor.
C. Finance Committee (Mr. Leeson)
9. Ordinances for Final Passage:
A. Bill No. 26 – 2006 – Acquiring Easements
– Replacement of Sanitary Sewers –
Homestead Avenue, Highland Avenue and Eaton Avenue
10. New Ordinances:
11. Resolutions:
A. Certificate of Appropriateness – 210-212 East Third
B. Certificate of Appropriateness – 544 Main Street
C. Certificate of Appropriateness – Miller's House in
18th c. Industrial Quarter
12. New Business.
13. Courtesy of the Floor. (for public comment on any subject
– 5 Minute Time Limit)
14. Adjournment.