City Council


January 17, 2006 Regular Meeting Agenda


JANUARY 17, 2006 - 7:30 PM - TOWN HALL

1. Invocation – Father Nicholas Palis, St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church

2. Pledge to the Flag.

3. Roll Call.

Citation – Honoring Robert C. Nenow

* Public Hearing

Prior to the consideration of the regular Agenda items, City Council will conduct a Public Hearing to consider the following Zoning Text Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance:

(1) Define Assisted Living Facility and Personal Care Center; allow them as by right
uses in the I - Institutional and the RRC – Residential Retirement Complex Districts; allow them by Special Exception in all Residential Districts except the RR – Residential District; create special provisions for the uses; and, outline parking requirements.

(2) Allow a lawful nonconforming use or structure to be expanded if certain
requirements are met; regulate the conditions under which a nonconforming structure that has been destroyed or damaged by casualties is permitted to be rebuilt, restored, or used in a nonconforming manner; provide for termination and abandonment of nonconforming uses, buildings, or structures; and regulations for nonconforming lots.

4. Approval of Minutes – January 3, 2006

5. Courtesy of the Floor. (for public comment on Ordinances and Resolutions to be voted on by Council this evening – 5 Minute Time Limit)

6. Old Business.

7. Communications:

A. Lehigh Valley Planning Commission – Zoning Text Amendment – Personal Care and Assisted Living Facilities
B. Lehigh Valley Planning Commission – Zoning Text Amendment – Non-Conforming Uses
C. Assistant City Solicitor – Records Destruction – Office of City Solicitor
D. Assistant City Solicitor – Easement and Indemnification Agreements – Saucon Square Land Development Project
E. Director of Water and Sewer Resources – Modifications to Article 927 – Sewer Charge Increase

8. Reports:

A. President of Council.

1. Committee Assignments – 2006-2007
B. Mayor.
C. Finance Committee

9. Ordinances for Final Passage:


10. New Ordinances:

A. Amending Non-Utility Capital Budget – Enterprise Zone Grant
B. Amending Water Capital Budget – Communication System Upgrade

11. Resolutions:

A. Authorizing Records Destruction – Purchasing Bureau
B. Authorizing Records Destruction – Financial Services Bureau
C. Authorizing Records Destruction – Payroll Office
D. Certificate of Appropriateness – 518-520 Long Street
E. Certificate of Appropriateness – 429 Heckewelder Place
F. Certificate of Appropriateness – 459 Old York Road
G. Certificate of Appropriateness – 427 North New Street

Tabled December 20, 2005:
H. Certificate of Appropriateness – 318 West Street

12. New Business.

13. Courtesy of the Floor. (for public comment on any subject – 5 Minute Time Limit)

14. Adjournment.