December 2, 2003 Meeting Minutes
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Tuesday, December 2, 2003 – 7:45 PM – Town Hall
President Schweder called the meeting to order. Pastor Gareth W. Icenogle of First Presbyterian Church of Bethlehem offered the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. Present were Ismael Arcelay, Jean Belinski, John B. Callahan, Robert J. Donchez, James S. Gregory, Magdalena F. Szabo, and J. Michael Schweder, 7.
The minutes of November 18, 2003 were approved.
5. COURTESY OF THE FLOOR (for public comment on ordinances and resolutions to be voted on by Council this evening)
Police Department - Staffing and Customer Service
Mr. Arcelay, referencing a letter from a citizen and a past City Council Meeting, stated he would like to make sure that Police staffing levels are reviewed and are sufficient moving forward. Mr. Arcelay, focusing on customer service in the Police Department, noted he received a letter from a citizen concerning this issue. Mr. Arcelay, communicating he would also like to make sure that customer service specifically is addressed next year, commented it seems to be a problem particularly with staffing levels in the evening. Mr. Arcelay read from the citizen's letter that the Police response was slow resulting in the event being over before the Officer arrived. Further referring to the citizen's letter, Mr. Arcelay noted it indicated that the citizen felt as though he was disturbing the Police by calling them. Mr. Arcelay inquired whether there are any plans to address customer service.
Francis Donchez, Police Commissioner, replying absolutely, notified the Members about an article he found on customer service. Police Commissioner Donchez affirmed that has been a theme of his for the past two and a half years, and asserted he will continue to stress it. Police Commissioner Donchez remarked, not just the Police Department, but every Department in the City should be run like a business. Police Commissioner Donchez communicated that unfortunately, at times there is not concern about customer service. Police Commissioner Donchez informed the Members that he will forward to them a copy of his memorandum and the customer service article he distributed to every employee in the Police Department. Police Commissioner Donchez continued on to say he continues to remind the staff that they are there to serve the public.
Police Commissioner Donchez, turning to issues concerning staff, stressed that he needs to be called sooner rather than later on issues of timeliness. Police Commissioner Donchez exemplified it is much easier to search the records the day after an event reported by a citizen to which there was not a timely response so that factors such as the reason for a late response, and level of activities can be researched that may include accident with injuries, fight with injuries, and so on. While acknowledging that a citizen's complaint about noise is as important as an event involving a fight or accident, Police Commissioner Donchez pointed out it is necessary to prioritize at times. Police Commissioner Donchez asked that it be stressed at citizen block watch meetings that citizens should call the next day about problems so they can be rectified as soon as possible.
Mayor Delgrosso, noting he has spoken with the Police Commissioner
about the matter, stated that the name of the individual employee
needs to be known so that the complaints can be discussed
with them. Mayor Delgrosso reiterated there is no question
that "we work for the citizens."
Mr. Donchez, confirming this is an issue he has discussed
with the Police Commissioner, advised that Police Commissioner
Donchez has been very consistent and proactive about responding
to Mr. Donchez's memorandums pertaining to issues that have
been raised at block watch meetings. Mr. Donchez continued
on to say that Police Commissioner Donchez has always emphasized
customer service, and that citizens should call the Police
Commissioner's office directly about complaints.
A. City Solicitor – Amendment to Article 913 – Water Rates and Charges
The Clerk read a memorandum dated November 18, 2003 from Joseph F. Leeson, Jr., City Solicitor, to which was attached a proposed ordinance being revised to allow for the monthly billing of fire charges so that those customers who are being billed on a monthly basis for water/sewer services will also be billed monthly for fire charges as a result of new financial software.
President Schweder stated that Bill No. 65 - 2003 is listed on this evening's Agenda for First Reading.
B. Deputy Director of Economic Development – Façade Loan Request – 91 and 97 West Broad Street
The Clerk read a memorandum dated November 24, 2003 from Diane Donaher, Deputy Director of Economic Development, advising that a request was received for a Façade and Building Improvement Program Loan from the Sun Inn for two properties they own at 91 and 97 West Broad Street, the site of the former Rite Aid store. The request is for $75,000 which is $15,000 above the amount allowed to be loaned at $30,000 per property without Council approval.
President Schweder affirmed that the proposal was reviewed by the Community Development Committee preceding the City Council Meeting; and, authorizing Resolution 11 C is listed on the Agenda.
A. President of Council
President Schweder announced the Final Budget Hearing on December 9, 2003 and Final Reading of the 2004 Budget Ordinances at the last City Council Meeting this year on Tuesday, December 16, 2003. President Schweder also noted that letters and resumes from individuals interested in filling the vacancy on City Council to serve January 9, 2004 until a successor is sworn into office on January 2, 2006 must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, 10 East Church Street, Room B212, by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 19, 2003. The incorrect date of December 16, 2003 was listed in the previous legal ads.
B. Mayor
C. Community Development Committee
Ms. Szabo, Chairwoman of the Community Development Committee, presented an oral report of the Committee's meeting held prior to this evening's meeting on the following subjects: Façade Loan Request - 91 and 97 West Broad Street; Amending Article 1159 – Animals; and Amending Article 1160 – Dangerous Animals.
A. Bill No. 49 – 2003 – Amending Article 155 – Officers’ and Employees’ Pension Fund – Benefit Increase
The Clerk read Bill No. 49 – 2003 – Amending Article 155 – Officers’ and Employees’ Pension Fund, on Final Reading.
Voting AYE: Mr. Arcelay, Mrs. Belinski, Mr. Callahan, Mr. Donchez, Mr. Gregory, Ms. Szabo, and Mr. Schweder, 7. Bill No. 49 – 2003, hereafter to be known as Ordinance 4221, was declared adopted.
B. Bill No. 50 – 2003 – Amending Article 951 – Pedestrian Malls
The Clerk read Bill No. 50 – 2003 – Amending Article 951 – Pedestrian Malls, on Final Reading.
Voting AYE: Mr. Arcelay, Mrs. Belinski, Mr. Callahan, Mr. Donchez, Mr. Gregory, Ms. Szabo, and Mr. Schweder, 7. Bill No. 50 – 2003, hereafter to be known as Ordinance 4222, was declared adopted.
A. Bill No. 62 – 2003 – Amending Article 927 – Sewer Rate Increase
The Clerk read Bill No. 62 – 2003, Amending Article 927 – Sewer Rate Increase, sponsored by Mr. Donchez and Mrs. Belinski, and titled:
Voting AYE: Mr. Arcelay, Mrs. Belinski, Mr. Callahan, Mr. Donchez, Mr. Gregory, Ms. Szabo, and Mr. Schweder, 7. Bill No. 62 – 2003 was declared passed on First Reading.
B. Bill No. 63 – 2003 – Amending Article 933 – Recycling Fee Increase
The Clerk read Bill No. 63 – 2003, Amending Article 933 – Recycling Fee Increase, sponsored by Mr. Callahan and Mrs. Belinski, and titled:
Voting AYE: Mr. Arcelay, Mrs. Belinski, Mr. Callahan, Mr. Donchez, Mr. Gregory, Ms. Szabo, and Mr. Schweder, 7. Bill No. 63 – 2003 was declared passed on First Reading.
C. Bill No. 64 – 2003 – Amending Article 1731 – Inspection Fee Increase
The Clerk read Bill No. 64 – 2003, Amending Article 1731 – Inspection Fee Increase, sponsored by Mr. Donchez and Mr. Arcelay, and titled:
Voting AYE: Mr. Arcelay, Mrs. Belinski, Mr. Callahan, Mr. Donchez, Mr. Gregory, Ms. Szabo, and Mr. Schweder, 7. Bill No. 64 – 2003 was declared passed on First Reading.
D. Bill No. 65 – 2003 – Amending Article 913 – Monthly Water Charge
The Clerk read Bill No. 65 – 2003, Amending Article 913 – Monthly Water Charge, sponsored by Mr. Donchez and Mr. Arcelay, and titled:
Voting AYE: Mr. Arcelay, Mrs. Belinski, Mr. Callahan, Mr. Donchez, Mr. Gregory, Ms. Szabo, and Mr. Schweder, 7. Bill No. 65 – 2003 was declared passed on First Reading.
E. Bill No. 66 – 2003 – Amending Article 1159 - Animals
The Clerk read Bill No. 66 – 2003, Amending Article 1159 – Animals, sponsored by Mr. Callahan and Mrs. Belinski, and titled:
Voting AYE: Mr. Arcelay, Mrs. Belinski, Mr. Callahan, Mr. Donchez, Mr. Gregory, Ms. Szabo, and Mr. Schweder, 7. Bill No. 66 – 2003 was declared passed on First Reading.
F. Bill No. 67 – 2003 – Amending Article 1160 – Dangerous Animals
The Clerk read Bill No. 67 – 2003, Amending Article 1160 – Dangerous Animals, sponsored by Mr. Callahan and Ms. Szabo, and titled:
Voting AYE: Mr. Arcelay, Mrs. Belinski, Mr. Callahan, Mr. Donchez, Mr. Gregory, Ms. Szabo, and Mr. Schweder, 7. Bill No. 67 – 2003 was declared passed on First Reading.
G. Bill No. 68 – 2003 – Repealing Article 709 – Dogs
The Clerk read Bill No. 68 – 2003, Repealing Article 709 - Dogs, sponsored by Mr. Callahan and Ms. Szabo, and titled:
Voting AYE: Mr. Arcelay, Mrs. Belinski, Mr. Callahan, Mr. Donchez, Mr. Gregory, Ms. Szabo, and Mr. Schweder, 7. Bill No. 68 – 2003 was declared passed on First Reading.
A. Authorizing Execution of Lease Agreement – Adams Outdoor Advertising
Mr. Donchez and Mr. Arcelay sponsored Resolution 14,244 which authorized the Mayor and the Controller to execute a Lease Agreement between Adams Outdoor Advertising and the City for the operation and maintenance of six outdoor advertising display boards at (1) property on the north side of Schoenersville Road; (2) property on the west side of Monocacy Creek and (3) property on the southeast corner of Stefko Boulevard and Pembroke Road for the time period January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2006, according to the terms and conditions of the Agreement.
Voting AYE: Mr. Arcelay, Mrs. Belinski, Mr. Callahan, Mr. Donchez, Mr. Gregory, Ms. Szabo, and Mr. Schweder, 7. The Resolution passed.
B. Authorizing Execution of Agreement with PennDot – Electronic Access
Mr. Donchez and Mr. Arcelay sponsored Resolution 14,245 which authorized the Director of Public Works to execute an Agreement to Authorize Electronic Access to PennDot Systems for the purpose of entering information into and exchanging data with the System, in accordance with the Agreement.
Voting AYE: Mr. Arcelay, Mrs. Belinski, Mr. Callahan, Mr. Donchez, Mr. Gregory, Ms. Szabo, and Mr. Schweder, 7. The Resolution passed.
C. Approving Façade Loan Request – 91 and 97 West Broad Street
Mr. Donchez and Mr. Arcelay sponsored Resolution 14,246 that authorized a Façade Improvement Loan in the amount of $75,000 for 91 and 97 West Broad Street (former Rite Aid Building), according to the program.
Voting AYE: Mr. Arcelay, Mrs. Belinski, Mr. Callahan, Mr. Donchez, Mr. Gregory, Ms. Szabo, and Mr. Schweder, 7. The Resolution passed.
Motion - Considering Resolutions 11 D through 11 I as a Group
Mr. Donchez and Mr. Arcelay moved to consider Resolutions 11 D through 11 I as a group. Voting AYE: Mr. Arcelay, Mrs. Belinski, Mr. Callahan, Mr. Donchez, Mr. Gregory, Ms. Szabo, and Mr. Schweder, 7. The motion passed.
D. Certificate of Appropriateness – 306 Brodhead Avenue
Mr. Callahan and Mr. Donchez sponsored Resolution 14,247 that granted a Certificate of Appropriateness to install sign faces in existing box signs and window signs on the storefront at 306 Brodhead Avenue.
E. Certificate of Appropriateness – 12-14 West Fourth Street
Mr. Callahan and Mr. Donchez sponsored Resolution 14,248 that granted a Certificate of Appropriateness to alter the exterior at 12-14 West Fourth Street.
F. Certificate of Appropriateness – 821-829 East Fourth Street
Mr. Callahan and Mr. Donchez sponsored Resolution 14,249 that granted a Certificate of Appropriateness to paint the front façade at 821-829 East Fourth Street.
G. Certificate of Appropriateness – 337 Wyandotte Street
Mr. Callahan and Mr. Donchez sponsored Resolution 14,250 that granted a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace windows at 337 Wyandotte Street.
H. Certificate of Appropriateness – 26 East Third Street
Mr. Callahan and Mr. Donchez sponsored Resolution 14,251 that granted a Certificate of Appropriateness to install a flat wall sign at 26 East Third Street.
I. Certificate of Appropriateness – 321 South New Street
Mr. Callahan and Mr. Donchez sponsored Resolution 14,252 that granted a Certificate of Appropriateness to install sign lighting at 321 South New Street.
Voting AYE on Resolutions 11 D through 11 I: Mr. Arcelay, Mrs. Belinski, Mr. Callahan, Mr. Donchez, Mr. Gregory, Ms. Szabo, and Mr. Schweder, 7. The Resolutions passed.
Christmas Tree - City Center Plaza
Mrs. Belinski commended Charles Brown, Director of Parks and Public Property, for the Christmas tree that was erected on the City Center Plaza. Remarking "it’s the most perfect tree on the plaza I have ever seen", Mrs. Belinski continued on to say she has heard so many wonderful comments about the tree and all of the lights on it.
Final Budget Meeting - Procedure
Mr. Callahan, with reference to the procedure for the Final Budget Meeting, asked is the intent not to allow other changes that evening if they were to come up. Mr. Callahan confirmed that, in the past, the final budget meetings have been a somewhat fluid situation allowing for some flexibility.
President Schweder affirmed that, at the last Budget Hearing, the Members agreed that all budget amendments needed to be in the City Clerk's Office by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 5, 2003.
Mr. Callahan observed that no further changes would be allowed unless they are in the City Clerk's Office by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 5, 2003.
President Schweder stated that would be his ruling.
Problems in the City
Edward Rodriquez, 535 Pulaski Street, noted that he has received cooperation from several City officials including James Smith, Superintendent in the Public Works Department, and Charles Brown, Director of Parks and Public Property. Mr. Rodriquez pointed out that he has also met and spoken with Mayor Delgrosso, Mrs. Belinski, and Police Commissioner Francis Donchez.
Mr. Rodriquez communicated that there are several issues he would like to bring up and it is not to offend anyone.
Mr. Rodriquez, turning to the Dog Ordinance, asked how many dogs are allowed in one household and added that the dogs are not always leashed when they are taken out.
Mr. Rodriquez, stressing there is a severe drug problem in the 400-500 block of Broadway that occurs twenty-four hours every day, explained that residents are scared. Mr. Rodriquez asserted those issues need to be addressed as quickly as possible. Mr. Rodriquez felt that more policing should be done on the streets and Police foot patrols should be brought back. Mr. Rodriquez continued on to stress that burglary and crime is up on the South Side. Mr. Rodriquez further remarked there is a heavy migration of people coming into these regions, sectors, and especially into the City of Bethlehem. Mr. Rodriquez noted that he also met with Mr. McKenna of Touchstone Theatre. Mr. Rodriquez informed the assembly that one of his children was on drugs, was shot, and is now off drugs. Mr. Rodriquez exclaimed there are a lot of children and families that are hurt by this. Mr. Rodriquez, while acknowledging that something is being done, asserted that not enough is being done. Mr. Rodriquez observed that the problem needs to be taken care of if new business is to be brought into the City. Mr. Rodriquez later added that crime and drugs are also affecting the areas of Ontario Street, Pawnee Street, Dakotah Street, Cherokee Street, and specifically mentioned the storefront of 353 Broadway. Mr. Rodriquez noted that he does contact the City's narcotics division.
Mr. Rodriquez suggested curfew and cruising laws such as there are in Allentown.
Mr. Rodriquez felt that some of the people receiving calls are sometimes being sarcastic, hostile and disrespectful, and do not always exhibit concern for what is happening to the individual or on the street.
Mr. Rodriquez advised that porches, alleys, backyards, and streets throughout the City have items such as mattresses, furniture and garbage. Mr. Rodriquez, stating there should be more enforcement of the Ordinances, suggested sending flyers to the neighborhood block watches throughout the City to encourage people to keep their neighborhoods clean or face fines.
Noting that some of the City parks also need attention, Mr. Rodriquez advised that Mr. Brown has addressed the incident involving a resident who broke her leg on Fortuna Street at E. Third Street and E. Hobart Street.
Mr. Rodriquez stated that emergency vehicles need the right of way.
Turning to the Parking Authority, Mr. Rodriquez advised that he has spoken with Hector Nemes, Parking Authority Executive Director. Mr. Rodriquez expressed that the individuals who are overstaying meters, such as in the 400 block of Broadway, should be ticketed. Mr. Rodriquez questioned the parking situation for residents and businesses at the meters in the area that is in a Residential Permit Parking zone. Mr. Rodriquez asserted that tickets were not issued to violators who have parked at fire hydrants, stop signs, curbs, have double parked, and travel on one way streets in the wrong direction.
Mr. Rodriquez felt that the Police substation on E. Mechanic Street should be moved back to the Five Points area where it is needed badly. Mr. Rodriquez stressed that more policing should be done in the area, the substation should have one or two more Police Officers and one should always remain at the substation, and pointed out that the answering machine does not work.
Mr. Rodriquez remarked that the area of Ontario Street and Broadway must be dealt with, and highlighted the fact that shootings and stabbings have occurred.
Turning to maintenance of streets and sewers, Mr. Rodriquez said Madison Park, Ontario Street, and Broadway are not being cleaned.
Mr. Rodriquez noted that street signs are missing, and a sign at Church Street near Fahy Bridge is bent.
Mr. Rodriquez insisted that the City's Landlord Licensing Ordinance should be enforced, and if tenants are dealing drugs then they should be evicted.
Mr. Rodriquez stated that the Noise Ordinance should be enforced at houses, apartments, and for loud music from cars.
Mr. Rodriquez, stating that more policing should be done at Five Points, continued on to say there is a migration of people who are violating laws.
He added that motorists are running red lights and stop signs, and not pulling over for emergency vehicles or school buses.
Mr. Rodriquez felt that the City's clean-up should be done twice a year, and asserted that the South Side is filthy.
Mr. Rodriquez thought there should be better lighting on Ontario Street, a heavily drug-infested area, and Pulaski Street.
Mr. Rodriquez said people are putting garbage out at the curbs.
Mr. Rodriquez communicated that dispatchers should not insist on obtaining a caller's name because people fear retaliation.
Mr. Rodriquez said that the handicapped sign at 512 Dakotah Street should be moved.
Mr. Rodriquez felt that more Christmas decorations are needed in the 400 block of Broadway.
He also noted that cars that are not inspected are being left on City streets.
Louis James, 223 East Raspberry Street, advised that he has given a copy of his comments to both President Schweder and Mr. Arcelay. Mr. James advised that he is at the meeting to voice concerns over problems that have been occurring the past two years in the 200 block of East Raspberry Street, the 200 block of East Broad Street, and the 200 block of East North Street. Mr. James, noting that he moved from Allentown two and a half years ago, further informed the assembly that he has spent the last two years fixing his one hundred and twenty-five year old house that was in very poor condition. Mr. James added that shortly after moving into his house he noticed there were problems in the neighborhood. Mr. James advised that youth who do not live on the block "hang out there", play loud music in their cars, and at times are on the steps of houses. Mr. James informed the assembly that an empty house that is for sale at the northwest corner of Raspberry Street and Penn Street is sometimes a hangout at night. Tenants of several rental properties play music loudly, allow kids to congregate until late hours at night, and keep trash in front of their houses several days before it is to be picked up.
Mr. James enumerated several incidents involving vandalism of his car.
On weekends, Mr. James advised, the bar at the corner of Penn and East Broad Streets plays music loudly, and patrons park illegally in the parking at the Broad Street Tanning Salon. Patrons leave the bar and sit in the parking lot and drink after the bar is closed. Mr. James added that he thinks there is drug activity there.
Mr. James related that last spring he attended a block watch meeting at Representative Stephen Samuelson's office on East Broad Street and Center Street, and explained some of the problems in the 200 block of East Raspberry Street. He noted that Mr. Arcelay was also at the meeting. Since that time, Mr. James said he had been working with Police Officer Todd Repsher who is now attending hearings and stressed no one has taken Officer Repsher's place. Mr. James continued on to say he has gone to the Police Substation numerous times and no one has been there.
Mr. James explained that the increase in Police patrols are not taking place late at night when things are occurring.
Mr. James said problems on the street continue to occur with gangs of kids in their mid to late teens hanging out on the street and at homes usually in the 200 block of Raspberry Street and in the parking lot behind the Broad Street Tanning Salon. He restated that loud music comes from the cars late at night, verbal exchanges are made from the cars and then the cars take off. Cars have also been driving east on Raspberry Street which is one way going west. Mr. James saw one car pull into the parking lot one night, and when he opened the door it sped away. Another night Mr. James watched a car in the lot and when he went back to the kitchen to do something he heard the alarms going off at the gun shop on Broad Street and as he went back to the front door to see what was going on a dark car that had been in the lot sped out of the lot and down Raspberry street. This was the same time the gun shop was being robbed. Mr. James advised that the owner of the Broad Street Tanning Salon has found hypodermic needles and a bag of pot in her parking lot. There is constantly people from the bar at Penn and Broad Street that use the parking lot without permission, and leave bottles and trash all over the lot when they leave.
Mr. James informed the Members that he has made numerous telephone calls to the Police Department, but response is so slow that the events usually run their course before the Police get there. When the Police do come, Mr. James remarked they make him feel as if he has disturbed them. Mr. James stated that a desk sergeant told him to call back when he calmed down.
Mr. Gregory advised that if such an event did occur then Mr. James should call the Police Commissioner the next day. Mr. James said he did not know he could do so.
Police Commissioner Donchez, affirming that he should be called, stated his telephone number, and pointed out that such things should be addressed sooner rather than later so complaints can be investigated. He added that all dispatch calls are recorded. In further response to Mr. James' comments about his telephone calls concerning loud music coming from cars in a nearby parking lot, Police Commissioner Donchez stressed that he needs to be made aware of inefficiencies in the Department as soon as possible.
Police Commissioner Donchez, turning to Mr. James' comment about Officer Repsher not being available at this time, explained that the Police force is down 10% due to nine Police Officers who are in court, two Officers who are overseas, and the force is short seven Officers due to retirements. Police Commissioner Donchez informed Mr. James about the Police Officer hiring process. Police Commissioner Donchez observed it is difficult to maintain 100% service with about 85% of the Police Department.
Mr. James continued his comments, as follows: "I know
most of my calls are not a priority
when there are other real emergencies going on, but unless
this part of Bethlehem is attended to, then it will become
another mess like Allentown…where all the decent people
flee to the suburbs and their homes are turned to rental properties
where people do not take pride in their community." Mr.
James felt that a closer look is needed at the quality of
life of the current taxpayer permanent residents of the City.
Mr. James further stated that if landlords are not caring
for their properties and tenants are becoming a nuisance then
landlords should be fined for not addressing the issues.
Mr. James, while expressing that Officer Repsher and the other Police Officers have his full support, asserted the situation is not getting resolved, and he has no other recourse but to come before City Council.
Mr. James asked that officials please take a look at the number of police calls that have been made concerning the 200 block of East Broad Street, 200 Block of East Raspberry Street and 200 Block of East North Street and the troubles that have been taking place. Mr. James thought the solution is a more concentrated police patrol of these blocks to help the situation of cars that are in the lot behind the tanning salon in the early morning hours of Saturday and Sunday when the bar on Broad Street is closing. Mr. James also thought there should be a more aggressive effort of pressing charges for disturbing the peace, loitering, and loud music from cars to send the message that such behavior will not be tolerated. Mr. James advised that, at times, he has seen a Police car parked in the fenced in parking lot of the gun shop, but the trouble is not in that lot. Rather, it is on the street and parking lot behind the tanning salon which during the summer is hidden from view.
Mr. James, communicating that he would like to be in a peaceful neighborhood, remarked that he has felt safer in Ireland than in his own home. Notifying the assembly that gun shots entered the bedroom window of his next door neighbor on Raspberry Street, Mr. James highlighted the fact that his neighbors have since moved.
Police Commissioner Donchez expressed that the Department is "hamstrung" as far as the manpower issue, and pointed out that fiscal responsibility is a factor in utilizing Overtime. Reiterating that the Department is down 10% of its Officers, Police Commissioner Donchez restated it is difficult to maintain 100% service with about 85% of the Police Department although the Department is trying its best. Police Commissioner Donchez, again affirming that he should be called immediately about complaints, highlighted the fact that he acts on complaints he receives immediately.
Ms. Szabo, referring to Mr. Rodriquez' comments, pointed out that for fifty years she has been living in an area where there have been drugs, and highlighted the fact that she has seen fourteen people dying from AIDS because of drugs, as well as a four year old girl who was born with AIDS. She later pointed out that she has been witness to a shooting. At 2:00 a.m., Ms. Szabo advised she sees little children going home. Ms. Szabo stressed that she asks the question "what about the responsibility of the parents?" Ms. Szabo informed Mr. Rodriquez that, at her own expense, she attended a Community Policing conference in Chicago that dealt with drugs, and has also attended training classes in Bethlehem concerning drugs. Ms. Szabo, highlighting the fact that City officials do know what is going on, remarked "what we don't know is how to make parents take their responsibility" such as knowing where their children are at 2:00 a.m. or to stop taking drugs while their children are watching. Ms. Szabo questioned when people will start accepting the truth "that the City cannot do it all. The parents have to do it…". Ms. Szabo further pointed out that many fathers are absent from their families, and some mothers may be out drinking in bars. Ms. Szabo further questioned how children can be stopped from taking drugs. Ms. Szabo stressed that City officials do try and they do care. Ms. Szabo informed Mr. Rodriquez that she was held up at gunpoint in the parking lot at a CVS drugstore on the North Side. She advised that an individual involved in the incident was a young woman whose father sold drugs and the young woman lived alternately with her mother and father. Ms. Szabo, advising that she helped to organize youth centers, expressed they are not the answer. Stating there also has to be a lot more responsibility from the community itself, Ms. Szabo explained there is garbage on the streets because people throw it there. Ms. Szabo informed Mr. Rodriquez that she organized the first yearly City clean-up when she was president of the South Side Task Force. She added that Patrick Herrity, a citizen who resides on the North Side, helped with the clean up on the South Side while some South Side residents who live near the railroad tracks where there was garbage complained that the City should conduct the clean up more often. Ms. Szabo stressed that to say City officials do not know what is going on is an insult. Ms. Szabo notified Mr. Rodriquez that she spends many days a week on Council business, in addition to attending meetings, and added that she also has been attending the hearings that began in September at the Federal court house involving a drug dealer. Ms. Szabo suggested that Mr. Rodriquez start organizing a group of people who he represents, and ask them to sweep pavements and to teach their children about the dangers of drugs, and so on.
Christmas Lighting
In addition to Charles Brown, Director of Parks and Public Property and his staff, Mayor Delgrosso also thanked Mike Wagner, City Electrician, and the Electrical Bureau staff for putting up the Christmas lights throughout the City.
Problems in the City
Mr. Rodriquez said he sympathizes with the community and noted he is an ex-drug user. Adding that he was a drug user for fourteen years, Mr. Rodriquez advised that he was in Hogar Crea and believes in the organization. Mr. Rodriquez, stressing that he cares about the community, said that is why he puts a lot of effort into what he does. Mr. Rodriquez communicated that he is simply asking for the help of City officials in a humble way and, if they did not notice, to please notice what is going on. Expressing that City officials may not know about "street business", Mr. Rodriquez explained that some people do not speak up because they are in fear. Mr. Rodriquez felt that employees are not listening enough. Mr. Rodriquez, saying he is asking for a job, stated "put me in a position where I can help these people". Mr. Rodriquez asserted that block watches are ineffective. Mr. Rodriquez related he was told he could not form a block watch in an area in South Bethlehem because he could not have members from other block watches.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:24 p.m.
City Clerk