1. Invocation – Reverend Jennika Borger, Edgeboro Moravian Church
2. Pledge to the Flag.
3. Roll Call.
* Public Hearing
4. Approval of Minutes – August 19, 2003.
5. Courtesy of the Floor. (for public comment on ordinances
resolutions to be voted on by Council this evening)
6. Old Business.
7. Communications:
A. Bethlehem Authority – Sale of Property – Granger
B. Business Administrator – 2004 Preliminary Budget
Estimate – Pensions
C. Deputy Director of Community Development – Key-Bethlehem
Rental Rehabilitation Loan Program
D. Police Commissioner – 2003 Local Law Enforcement
Block Grant
8. Reports:
A. President of Council.
B. Mayor.
9. Ordinances for Final Passage:
A. Bill No. 38 – 2003 – Amending General Fund Budget – Health Bureau – Tobacco Grant
10. New Ordinances:
A. Bill No. 39 – 2003 – Amending Community Development Budget – 2003 CDBG Program
11. Resolutions:
A. Certificate of Appropriateness – 209 Wall Street
B. Certificate of Appropriateness – 46 East Church Street
C. Certificate of Appropriateness – 42 West Market Street
D. Certificate of Appropriateness – 62 East Market Street
E. Certificate of Appropriateness – 53 East Market Street
F. Certificate of Appropriateness – 29 West Fourth Street
G. Certificate of Appropriateness – 308 South New Street
12. New Business.
13. Courtesy of the Floor. (for public comment on any subject)
14. Adjournment.
* Prior to the consideration of the regular Agenda items, City Council will consider amendments to the 2002 and 2003 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Programs, to recognize an additional $69,000 in 2003 entitlement, reflect the transfer of funds between existing activities, and create new 2002 and 2003 activities as follows: decrease the unprogrammed funds in FY 2002 by $134,000; establish a new FY 2002 activity, BEAR Program, in the amount of $136,000; increase the FY 2003 activity, Microenterprise by $20,000; decrease the FY 2003 activity, Stefko Swale, by $70,000; decrease the FY 2003 activity, FRED Program, by $90,000; increase the FY 2003 activity, Façade Program, by $160,000; and establish a new FY 2003 activity, Illick’s Mill/ADA, in the amount of $47,000.